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The Slingshot in the Sacred Valley is the highest of its kind in the world. Acting as a reverse bungee jump this activity starts with you attached to the ground and wearing a body harness with the bungee rope tying you to the steel cage. You will be able to fly like a superhero, reaching an acceleration of up to 3.2 Gs.

Hours 1 a 2 Hours

Price $/

Activity description

Cusco's slingshot is the highest in the world. It is different from bungee jumping or zip-line. The user is attached to the floor with a special hook-based system. The strips stretch at the same time that the seat is lifted. The staff will calibrate the stretching of the strips according to the speed the user wishes to be thrown with (medium speed or maximum speed). Once the strips have been stretched to the desired level, the shutter is released throwing the user up in the sky at a predetermined angle. Maximum height: 120 m (393.70 ft). Speed: 3.2 G. Ideal weight: Between 40 and 200 kg (88.10 - 330.3 lb). Duration: 15 minutes.

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CategoryPriceSICSingle Supplement

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